Abstract:Based on the manual observation of precipitation records at the national observatory,this paper analyzes and evaluates the completeness and accuracy of the precipitation data and the start and end of precipitation phenomena of two regional stations.In addition,the local radar echo images in Huzhou is also used as a reference to roughly determine the occurrence of regional precipitation and starting and ending time,as well comparing the results of two comparison methods.The conclusions of the two comparison methods are quite different,because there are obvious differences in the local characteristics of precipitation.So only the reference of data from the nearby sites is not enough,the local radar echo image must also be considered.
胡景波, 邱杰, 王磊. 结合雷达回波分析区域站降水仪运行情况[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(3): 12-15.
Hu Jingbo, Qiu Jie, Wang Lei. Analysis on operation condition of precipitation instrument of regional station based on radar echo. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(3): 12-15.