肖路1 , 袁乙木1 , 李懋2
1.四川省气象探测数据中心,成都 610072; 2.眉山市气象局,眉山 620000
Structure and fault treatment method of DSG4 precipitation weather phenomenon instrument
Xiao Lu1 , Yuan Yimu1 , Li Mao2
1.Sichuan Meteorological Observation Data Center,Chengdu 610072; 2.Meishan Meteorological Administration,Meishan 620000
摘要 2017年,四川省国家级自动站全部安装了降水现象仪,其中大部分型号为DSG4型。文章针对台站业务人员对新设备不熟悉,简要介绍了DSG4型降水天气现象仪的系统结构,同时详细研究了DSG4型降水现象仪的故障处理流程和方法,为台站业务人员的设备保障提供了参考,同时也达到了提高保障人员对故障维修的能力。
关键词 :
DSG4 ,
降水天气现象 ,
系统结构 ,
Abstract :The national automatic stations in Sichuan province have all installed precipitation phenomena instrument in 2017.Most of them are DSG4 type.Because the station servicers are unfamiliar with this new equipment,this paper briefly introduces the system structure of DSG4 precipitation weather phenomenon instrument,and its fault treatment process and method are also studied in detail,which can provide references for station servicers and also improve the maintenance ability of equipment support personnel.
Key words :
precipitation weather phenomenon
system structure
fault judgment
收稿日期: 2018-01-15
作者简介 : 肖路(1981),男,硕士,工程师.主要从事自动气象站保障工作.
肖路, 袁乙木, 李懋. DSG4型降水现象仪的结构及故障处理方法[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(3): 96-99.
Xiao Lu, Yuan Yimu, Li Mao. Structure and fault treatment method of DSG4 precipitation weather phenomenon instrument. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(3): 96-99.
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