Abstract:According to the characteristics in the process of wave gliders in sailing,and taking advantages of the wave gliders mooring in waves driven by scaling properties,a kind of wave-electric switching device is designed.The structure and principle of wave glider and the new concept,structure and principle of wave-electric conversion device are introduced in detail.At the same time,the advantages and prospects of its application are expounded,which provides reference for marine exploration,marine economic development,offshore scientific research and national marine defense construction.
叶松, 吕胤墀, 甘宇平, 王春栋, 沈奕宏, 沐云飞. 基于波浪滑翔器的能源供给装置设计[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2022, 39(1): 89-91.
Ye Song, Lv Yinchi, Gan Yuping, Wang Chundong, Shen Yihong, Mu Yunfei. Design of energy supply device based on wave glider. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2022, 39(1): 89-91.