Application of industrial Ethernet in offshore oil platform
摘要 概述了工业以太网技术及其特点、重点介绍了工业以太网在海上石油平台中的应用,并以实例详述了应用当中在认可试验中发现的问题与解决措施。同时提出了以太网应用的安全要求及技术措施。
关键词 :
工业以太网 ,
海上石油平台 ,
试验 ,
Abstract :This paper presents the features of industrial Ethernet,with emphasis on the application of industrial Ethernet in offshore oil platform.The problems and solving measures in the process of application are described with examples.Meanwhile,the safety requirements and technical measures for industrial Ethernet are pointed out.
Key words :
industrial Ethernet
offshore oil platform
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