高英杰1 ,顾黎燕2 ,文翔1
1.河北省乐亭县气象局,乐亭 063600; 2.保定市气象局,保定 071000
Troubleshooting methods and abnormal data processing for evaporation faults of new automatic weather station
Gao Yingjie1 ,Gu Liyan2 ,Wen Xiang1
1.Leting Meteorological Bureau of Hebei,Leting 063600; 2.Baoding Meteorological Bureau,Baoding 071000
摘要 文章以乐亭国家基本气象站新型自动气象站蒸发传感器出现的故障为实例,分析了AG2.0超声波蒸发传感器出现故障的原因,根据蒸发传感器的系统结构及工作原理,阐述了故障排查方法和蒸发数据异常时的处理方法,并提出日常维护中应注意事项,以供台站应用参考。
关键词 :
新型自动站 ,
蒸发传感器 ,
故障排查方法 ,
数据处理 ,
Abstract :Taking the malfunctions happened on the evaporator sensor of new automatic weather station in Laoting national basic meteorological station as an example,the reasons that caused the failures on AG2.0 ultrasonic evaporative sensor have been analyzed.According to the system structures and working principles of the evaporative sensor,the troubleshooting methods and the abnormal data processing when the data is abnormal have been expounded.Precautions of the daily maintenance have been proposed for station application reference.
Key words :
new automatic weather station
evaporator sensor
troubleshooting methods
data processing
maintenance precautions
收稿日期: 2017-06-14
作者简介 : 高英杰(1970),女,大学,高级工程师.现从事大气综合探测工作.
高英杰,顾黎燕,文翔. 新型自动气象站蒸发故障排查方法及异常数据处理[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2017, 34(4): 110-113.
Gao Yingjie,Gu Liyan,Wen Xiang. Troubleshooting methods and abnormal data processing for evaporation faults of new automatic weather station. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2017, 34(4): 110-113.
http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/ 或 http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/Y2017/V34/I4/110
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