谢允1 ,杨足明1 ,向力1 ,徐星2
1.咸宁市气象局,咸宁 437100; 2.通城县气象局,通城 437400
Discussion on lightning fault diagnosis and lightning prevention measures for automatic weather station
Xie Yun1 ,Yang Zuming1 ,Xiang Li1 ,Xu Xing2
1.Xianning Meteorological Bureau,Xianning 437100; 2.Tongcheng Meteorological Bureau,Tongcheng 437400
摘要 2017年4月,通城县国家气象观测站的自动气象站遭受雷击,造成观测记录不能按时上传。文章通过对故障进行认真的排查和诊断,确定为因雷击造成主采集器通信口(RS-232-1)损坏,同时分析了自动气象站遭受雷击原因,提出了改进观测场防雷接地系统、增设串口隔离器、调整自动气象站主采集箱在观测场中的安装位置等措施。
关键词 :
自动气象站 ,
故障诊断 ,
Abstract :Due to the lightning in April 2017,the observation records could not be uploaded from Tongcheng automatic weather station of national meteorological station.Through careful investigation and diagnosis of the faults,it is determined that the main collector's communication port (RS232-1) is damaged because of lightning stroke.And the causes of automatic weather station being struck by lightning are analyzed.Some measures are put forward such as improving the lightning protection grounding system of the observation field,adding serial isolator,and adjusting the installation position of the main collecting box of the automatic weather station in the observation field etc.
Key words :
automatic weather station
fault diagnosis
lightning prevention measures
收稿日期: 2017-10-10
作者简介 : 谢允(1964),男,大专,高级工程师.主要从事气象装备保障工作.
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Xie Yun,Yang Zuming,Xiang Li,Xu Xing. Discussion on lightning fault diagnosis and lightning prevention measures for automatic weather station. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2019, 36(1): 102-105.
http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/ 或 http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/Y2019/V36/I1/102
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