Abstract:Based on MICAPS conventional meteorological data,Leping station observation data and numerical forecast data,the three cold wave weather processes in Leping are compared and analyzed.Firstly,the division standard of cold wave is introduced in detail,and the actual situation is compared and analyzed.Then,the cold wind path of three cold wave weather processes is expounded.At the same time,the temperature variation characteristics of the maximum and minimum temperature,the comparison between temperature at 850hPa and ground minimum temperature,the comparison between numerical forecast and actual situation and the variation curve of extreme temperature are analyzed.Finally,the distribution of cold air gale is studied.The research results provide a theoretical basis for the early warning and prediction of cold wave weather process in Leping.
盛梦婷, 马中元, 陈鲍发, 黄龙飞, 李燕玲. 乐平3次寒潮天气过程的路径与温度对比分析[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2021, 38(3): 44-47.
Sheng Mengting, Ma Zhongyuan, Chen Baofa, Huang Longfei, Li Yanling. Comparative analysis of path and temperature of three cold wave weather processes in Leping. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2021, 38(3): 44-47.