Effect of temperature on ice flood of the Yellow River
Du Hailong1,Xu Youping2,Hu Banghui1,Zhang Jiping2,Wu Shuiqing3
1.Institute of Meteorology,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211107; 2.Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology,Beijing 100029; 3.No.91715 Unit of PLA,Guangzhou 510290
Abstract:Because of special geographical position,river course characteristics and hydro-meteorological conditions,the disasters of ice flood usually happened every year in Ningmeng and downstream river sections of the Yellow River.Thermodynamic factor is the main reason that caused ice flood.As a represent of thermodynamic factor,temperature plays an important role in ice flood.This paper summarizes the research contents of ice flood,describes the relationship between temperature and ice flood.Then,the recent researches of ice flood prediction is introduced and the significant of temperature for ice flood forecasting is also elaborated.
杜海龙,徐幼平,胡邦辉,张季平,吴水清. 气温对黄河凌汛的影响研究[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2014, 31(4): 29-32.
Du Hailong,Xu Youping,Hu Banghui,Zhang Jiping,Wu Shuiqing. Effect of temperature on ice flood of the Yellow River. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2014, 31(4): 29-32.