赵宝义1 , 温华洋2 , 钱毅1
1.安徽省大气探测技术保障中心, 合肥 230016; 2.安徽省信息中心, 合肥 230016
Analysis and evaluation on data difference of Anhui double automatic weather stations
Zhao Baoyi1 , Wen Huayang2 , Qian Yi1
1.Anhui Atmospheric Sounding and Technical Support Center, Hefei 230016; 2.Anhui Information Center, Hefei 230016
摘要 针对安徽省双套自动站的气温、气压、相对湿度、风、降水量、浅层地温、深层地温等气象要素资料, 利用差值分析的方法进行分析对比, 结果表明双套站在差异性分析、检验中大多都符合相应的规范要求。分析了个别气象要素差不一致的可能产生原因, 同时提供了进一步解决的方案。
关键词 :
双套自动气象站 ,
气温 ,
气压 ,
Abstract :Based on the weather elements of temperature, pressure, relative humidity, wind, precipitation, shallow or deep ground temperature in Anhui double automatic weather stations, a comparison is carried out by using data difference analysis.The results show that the difference analysis and verification on double automatic weather stations is almost complied with the appropriate regulatory requirements.This paper analyzes the possible reasons that caused individual difference of weather elements.Then, a further solution is put forward at the same time.
Key words :
double automatic weather stations
difference analysis
收稿日期: 2013-12-20
作者简介 : 赵宝义(1981), 男, 大学, 工程师.现主要从事自动气象站保障工作.
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Zhao Baoyi, Wen Huayang, Qian Yi. Analysis and evaluation on data difference of Anhui double automatic weather stations. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2014, 31(2): 112-114.
http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/ 或 http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/Y2014/V31/I2/112
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