Abstract:By means of daily data such as wind speed and temperature in 12 weather stations over Jiangsu Province from 1960 to 2010, the observation data in these stations are classified. The temporal and spatial distribution of the wind speed and its monthly cycle, seasonal cycle, inter-annual, inter-decadal variations in the last 50 years have been analyzed by using the regular statistic methods. The results show that the wind speed presents a declined tendency in the recent 50 years. The wind speed collected in coastal stations are higher than that in inland stations with a gentle descent, while the average wind speed in rural stations are about 0.4m/s faster than that in urban stations with a rough descent. There is a little difference in wind speeds obtained by coastal stations and urban stations in summer, comparing with that in winter. The variation of strong windy days and average wind speed are quite similar.
程思,陈鹏,苗峻峰. 江苏省50a近地面风速及气温的时空分布特征分析[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2013, 30(3): 121-124.
Cheng Si, Chen Peng, Miao Junfeng. Spatial and temporal characteristics of surface wind speed in the last 50 years over Jiangsu Province. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2013, 30(3): 121-124.