摘要 文章通过具有RIA(Rich Internet Applications,富网络应用)特性的FineUI、Echarts等JavaScript框架,开发了基于B/S架构的自动气象站数据显示与分析应用系统ASP.NET网站。系统实现了对新疆区域国家级自动站的观测数据的实时显示、分析、监视功能,并能够实时显示分析气象要素的连续变化。应用实践表明,该系统能够在天气实况监测和监视、临近预报与航空危险天气预警预报中为航空预报人员提供直观的天气实况信息,为预报员了解实时天气,提高预报能力提供科学、高效的技术支持。
Abstract:This paper uses javaScript frame which have RIA(Rich Internet Applications) characteristic such as FineUI,Echarts and so on to develop weather station data display and analysis application system ASP.NET website based on B/S architecture.This system realizes the real-time display and analysis and monitoring evolvement of meteorological elements of observing data from national weather station located in Xinjiang area.The applied practice indicates this system can provide intuitive live weather information on weather monitoring,forecasting and aviation hazard weather forecasting warning for aviation weatherman,which would provide scientific and high-performance technology for forecasters to acquaint real-time weather and improve forecast accuracy.
王清平, 陈阳权, 朱国栋, 杜安妮, 张利平. 自动气象站数据显示与分析应用系统的设计与实现[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(1): 43-46.
Wang Qingping, Chen Yangquan, Zhu Guodong, Du Anni, Zhang Liping. Design and implementation of data display and analysis application system for automatic weather station. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(1): 43-46.