Analysis and processing of a lightning strike fault of DZZ5 new automatic weather station
Liu Bin1, 2, Li Mingya3, Liu Yi2
1.Atmospheric Sounding and Technical Support Center of Shandong Meteorological Bureau,Jinan 250031; 2.Zoucheng Meteorological Bureau,Zoucheng 273500; 3.Jinxiang Meteorological Bureau,Jinxiang 272200
Abstract:Aiming at an accident of lightning strike of DZZ5 new automatic weather station,a fault phenomenon is described.Through troubleshooting process,the solutions and processing flow are summarized to solve the similar faults,which can provide references for treating this kind of faults.
刘彬, 李明亚, 刘亿. DZZ5新型自动站一次雷击故障的分析处理[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(2): 106-108.
Liu Bin, Li Mingya, Liu Yi. Analysis and processing of a lightning strike fault of DZZ5 new automatic weather station. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(2): 106-108.