蔡立青, 唐凯
潮州市气象局,潮州 521000
Design and implementation of fault alarm algorithm for WP3103 regional meteorological automatic station
Cai Liqing, Tang Kai
Chaozhou Meteorological Bureau,Chaozhou 521000
摘要 文章通过整理近10 a的区域自动站维修记录,按区域站主要要素和设备进行分类,查找发生故障前和期间的数据,通过分析与归纳,总结出错误数据的表现规律。引入气候学界限值和地方历史30 a资料值,分析重要天气过程中要素的最大容错区间。最后,在Visual Basic开发语言的基础上,将气候学界限值、最大容错区间作为常数进行对比,以及和故障数据规律匹配两种方式逐一检查最新获取的气象资料,设计出各要素故障的检查告警算法。
关键词 :
维修记录 ,
故障 ,
历史资料 ,
数据规律 ,
Abstract :By sorting out the maintenance records of the regional automatic station for nearly ten years,classifying the main elements and equipment of the regional automatic station,finding out the data before and during the fault,through the analysis and induction,the law of the error data is summed up.By introducing climatological limit values and local historical data for thirty years,the maximum fault tolerance interval of important weather processes is analyzed.Finally,on the basis of visual basic development language,using climatology boundary value and maximum fault tolerance interval as constant comparison,the fault data are matching.By means of two ways to check the latest acquired meteorological data one by one,a warning algorithm for meteorological error data is designed.
Key words :
maintenance record
historical data
data rule
alarm algorithm
收稿日期: 2018-01-18
基金资助: 广东省气象局课题《基于fast2.0报文设计精细化气象服务平台》,项目编号:2015B38.
作者简介 : 蔡立青(1984),男,硕士,工程师.主要从事信息网络、大气探测、气象服务工作.
蔡立青, 唐凯. WP3103型区域气象自动站故障告警算法的设计与实现[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(3): 80-82.
Cai Liqing, Tang Kai. Design and implementation of fault alarm algorithm for WP3103 regional meteorological automatic station. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(3): 80-82.
http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/ 或 http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/Y2018/V35/I3/80
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