余德亮1 , 黄兆富1 , 蒋涌1 , 魏威1 , 鲁小平1 , 郑颖慧2
1.重庆市气象信息与技术保障中心,重庆 401147; 2.重庆市气象局,重庆 401147
Research on fault maintenance of national ground weather station in Chongqing
Yu Deliang1 , Huang Zhaofu1 , Jiang Yong1 , Wei Wei1 , Lu Xiaoping1 , Zheng Yinghui2
1.Chongqing Meteorological Information and Technology Support Center,Chongqing 401147; 2.Chongqing Me-teorological Service,Chongqing 401147
摘要 文章针对重庆国家地面天气站的特点,对各个观测要素的采集原理进行了详细的说明。通过对实际工作中出现的故障现象进行分析,详细叙述了故障的处理流程及检修方法,为国家地面天气站的维修提供一些有益的经验。
关键词 :
国家地面气象站 ,
观测要素 ,
处理流程 ,
Abstract :Based on the characteristics of the national ground weather station in Chongqing,this paper gives a detailed description for the collection principle of each observation element.Through the analysis of the fault phenomena in the actual work,the process and maintenance methods of the fault are described in detail,which would provide some useful experiences for the maintenance of the national ground weather station.
Key words :
national ground weather station
observation elements
processing flow
maintenance and repair methods
收稿日期: 2018-02-26
作者简介 : 余德亮(1983),男,硕士,工程师.主要从事气象仪器维护工作.
余德亮, 黄兆富, 蒋涌, 魏威, 鲁小平, 郑颖慧. 重庆国家地面天气站故障维修研究[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(3): 83-86.
Yu Deliang, Huang Zhaofu, Jiang Yong, Wei Wei, Lu Xiaoping, Zheng Yinghui. Research on fault maintenance of national ground weather station in Chongqing. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(3): 83-86.
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