唐坤, 汤学群, 周旭辉, 韩啸
湖南省气象技术装备中心,长沙 410007
Practical application of mobile phone APP in automatic station equipment support work
Tang Kun, Tang Xuequn, Zhou Xuhui, Han Xiao
Hunan Meteorological Technology and Equipment Center,Shangsha 410007
摘要 文章介绍了一种在安卓系统上运行的自动站设备调试APP软件。自动气象站装备保障业务工作人员将手机与自动气象站设备通过相应的数据线进行连接后,就可以在手机端完成命令修改调试、参数设置等常用的功能。相比过去笔记本繁琐的调试方式,手机终端更便捷且易于操作。
关键词 :
自动站设备 ,
手机终端 ,
Abstract :This paper introduces a debugging APP software of automatic station equipment running on Android system.The personnel in the automatic station equipment support service connect the mobile phone and the automatic station equipment through the corresponding data lines,which can complete the functions of command modification,debugging,parameter setting and so on at the mobile terminal.Compared with past tedious debugging methods,mobile terminals are more convenient and easy to operate.
Key words :
automatic station equipment
mobile terminal
debugging software
收稿日期: 2018-05-08
作者简介 : 唐坤(1985),男,大学,工程师.主要从事自动气象站装备保障工作.
唐坤, 汤学群, 周旭辉, 韩啸. 手机APP在自动气象站设备保障工作上的实际应用[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(4): 65-67.
Tang Kun, Tang Xuequn, Zhou Xuhui, Han Xiao. Practical application of mobile phone APP in automatic station equipment support work. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(4): 65-67.
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