黄华1 , 郭高2 , 杨小军2
1.北京应用气象研究所,北京 100029; 2.中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,西安710119
Analysis of influence factors and calculation of error propagation of single-theodolite wind measurement
Huang Hua1 , Guo Gao2 , Yang Xiaojun2
1.Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology,Beijing 100029; 2.Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS,Xi'an 710119
摘要 为减小误差、满足工程应用需求,文章对单经纬仪小球测风各影响要素进行了分析,建立了高空风矢量计算公式和风速各影响要素误差传递的数学模型。以美国30 g测风气球为典型研究对象,依据GJB 6556.3-2008和GJB 6076-2007,参考美国联邦气象手册《Rawinsonde and Pibal Observation》,对单经纬仪风速测量的各项系统误差和随机误差进行了分类计算和分析。减小气球跟瞄误差可有效降低风速测量随机误差,值得引起我们的关注。
关键词 :
经纬仪 ,
小球测风 ,
升速 ,
风速 ,
Abstract :In order to reduce the error and meet the needs of the engineering application,this paper analyzes the influence factors of the single-theodolite method in pibal observation.The calculation formulas of the upper wind vector and mathematical models of the error propagation are established.Taking the American 30g balloon as the typical research object,based on GJB 6556.3-2008 and GJB 6076-2007,according to USA federal meteorological handbook Rawinsonde and Pibal Observation ,the system and random error of wind measurement are classified and calculated.Reducing the error of balloon tracking can effectively reduce the random error of wind measurement,which deserves our more attention.
Key words :
pibal observation
rising velocity
wind velocity
error propagation
收稿日期: 2018-04-09
作者简介 : 黄华(1974),男,博士,高级工程师.主要从事大气环境及其影响研究工作.
黄华, 郭高, 杨小军. 单经纬仪测风影响要素分析及误差传递计算[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(4): 1-4.
Huang Hua, Guo Gao, Yang Xiaojun. Analysis of influence factors and calculation of error propagation of single-theodolite wind measurement. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(4): 1-4.
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