Abstract:According to a fault detection and abnormal data analysis of the WUSH-TV2 ultrasonic evaporation sensor at Huzhou national basic weather station,it is obtained that the accuracy of automatic evaporation data needs to be verified by the time.It is necessary to combine the comprehensive analysis of the change in the height of the water level per minute and evaporation per minute with the weather conditions at that time and to check if there is human influence on evaporation data.During this malfunction,the reason for the unusually large data of hourly evaporation is that the jump of evaporation water level data leads to the accumulation of multiple invalid quantities.In order to ensure the integrity of the automatic observation data,station personnel shall do 0.0 processing according to relevant business regulations.
丁丽, 刘双喜, 邱杰, 王磊. 大型蒸发数据异常分析和故障排查[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2019, 36(3): 99-102.
Ding Li, Liu Shuangxi, Qiu Jie, Wang Lei. Analysis and troubleshooting of the large evaporations abnormal data. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2019, 36(3): 99-102.