Abstract:In order to verify the consistency and reliability of measurement standards of wind speed,wind direction and rainfall in municipal mobile calibration system,and to inspect the technical level and data-processing capacity of authorized staff,Gansu meteorological metrology verification station organized 14 municipal mobile calibration systems in Gansu to carry out the value comparison of wind speed,wind direction and rainfall in 2020.This comparison provides a basis for further strengthening the construction of municipal calibration capacity,improving the quality management system and strengthening personnel technical training in the future.
韩玉婷, 宋媛, 汪鑫, 吴丽娜, 黄蕊, 雷晓妹, 第五朋朋. 地市级移动校准系统计量比对实践与研究[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2022, 39(1): 52-55.
Han Yuting, Song Yuan, Wang Xin, Wu Lina, Huang Rui, Lei Xiaomei, Diwu Pengpeng. Practice and research on metrological comparison of municipal mobile calibration system. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2022, 39(1): 52-55.