卢秋芳1 , 马中元2 , 陈鲍发3 , 余剑浩4 , 骆云峰5 , 郑卡妮6 , 张晓芳7
1.上饶市气象局,上饶 334000; 2.江西省气象科学研究所,南昌 330046; 3.景德镇市气象局,景德镇 333000; 4.鹰潭市气象局,鹰潭 335000; 5.德兴县气象局,德兴 334200; 6.乐平市气象局,乐平 333300; 7.婺源县气象局,婺源 333200
Analysis on cloud images and echo characteristics of strong weather at the edge of Jiangxi subtropical high
Lu Qiufang1 , Ma Zhongyuan2 , Chen Baofa3 , Yu Jianhao4 , Luo Yunfeng5 , Zheng Kani6 , Zhang Xiaofang7
1. Shangrao Meteorological Bureau,Shangrao 334000; 2. Jiangxi Institute of Meteorological Sciences,Nanchang 330046; 3. Jingdezhen Meteorological Bureau,Jingdezhen 333000; 4. Yingtan Meteorological Bureau,Yingtan 335000; 5. Dexing Meteorological Bureau,Dexing 334200; 6. Leping Meteorological Bureau,Leping 333300; 7. Wuyuan Meteorological Bureau,Wuyuan 333200
摘要 文章利用2016~2019年MICAPS常规天气图资料、卫星云图资料、江西WebGIS雷达拼图资料和单站SA雷达等数据,采用统计方法、形态分析和对比分析等方法,对江西副高边缘强天气进行分析,结果表明:副高边缘主要有副高边缘辐合型和副高边缘低槽型两种类型。同时阐述了WebGIS雷达拼图回波特征和单部雷达产品特征,以及副高边缘雷暴移动的两种方式。
关键词 :
副热带高压边缘 ,
雷暴大风 ,
强雷电 ,
短时强降水 ,
云图特征 ,
Abstract :Using MICAPS routine weather map data,satellite cloud image data,Jiangxi WebGIS radar mosaic data and single station SA radar data from 2016 to 2019,this paper analyzes the strong weather at the edge of subtropical high in Jiangxi by statistical methods,morphological analysis and comparative analysis.The results show that there are two types of subtropical high edge,which are convergence at the edge of subtropical high and the low trough at the edge of the subtropical high.At the same time,the features of the WebGIS radar jigsaw echo and the product features of the single station radar as well as the two ways of thunderstorm movement at the periphery of subtropical high are described.
Key words :
edge of subtropical high
thunderstorm gale
strong lightning
short-term heavy rainfall
cloud image features
echo characteristics
收稿日期: 2020-03-30
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(41975001)、中国气象局气象关键技术集成与应用项目(CMAGJ2013M74)等项目资助.
作者简介 : 卢秋芳(1970),男,大学,高级工程师.主要从事天气预报业务与预报技术研究工作.
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http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/ 或 http://www.qxswhy.com/CN/Y2020/V37/I3/25
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