1.College of Meteorology and Oceanography,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211101; 2.No.93220 Unit of PLA,Harbin 150088; 3.No.75822 Unit of PLA,Guangzhou 510510; 4.No.95997 Unit of PLA,Beijing 100076
Abstract:Atmospheric chemistry model is an important tool for analysis and forecasting of aerosol pollution.This paper introduces the WRF/Chem model and its aerosol parameterization schemes.MOSAIC scheme is considered both in perspective of computation cost and parameterization accuracy.The application of MOSAIC is more extensive in recent years.An aerosol data assimilation system developed corresponding to MOSAIC was introduced in detail.In this paper,the state variables of the system is extended by five to eight.In this system,both PM2.5 observations and other aerosol species observations corresponding to eight MOSAIC species can be assimilated.Finally,an ideal observation was assimilated using the data assimilation system to verify the rationality of it.The results show that the system meets the three-dimensional variational assimilation principle.
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