Abstract:Based on Doppler weather radar data and lightning location data,this paper studies and analyzes the evolution characteristics of lightning activity during two consecutive hailstorms occurred in southwestern Fujia on April 26,2019.Firstly,the data sources and analysis methods are introduced,and the background of synoptic circulation is explained.Then,the temporal and spatial distribution of lightning activity characteristics,the relationship between lightning and radar echo,and the variation of lightning frequency and intensity with time are analyzed in detail.Finally,the conclusion is expected to provide reference for the forecast of severe convective weather.
何清芳, 江帆, 林梦凡. 闽西南连续两次降雹过程的闪电特征分析[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2022, 39(1): 77-79.
He Qingfang, Jiang Fan, Lin Mengfan. Analysis of lightning characteristics during two consecutive hailstorms in southwest Fujian. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2022, 39(1): 77-79.