李 鑫1 , 汪高明1 , 秦建峰2 , 蔡 宏2 , 崔恒立1 , 何 欢1
1.湖北省荆门市气象局, 荆门 448000; 2.湖北省气象局信息保障中心, 武汉 430074
CLC-Ⅱ-D fixed boundary layer wind profiler radar system and its product application
Li Xin1 , Wang Gaoming1 , Qin Jianfeng2 , Cai Hong2 , Cui Hengli1 , He Huan1
1.Jingmen Meteorological Bureau of Hubei, Jingmen 448000;2.Hubei Meteorological Information and Technology Support Center, Wuhan 430074
摘要 风廓线雷达是一种先进探测垂直风速和温度廓线的设备, 它能提供连续的高时空分辨率空中资料, 是可推荐应用于业务的一种地基遥感设备。其风廓线雷达具有连续无人值守、可较好反映出边界层的大气湍流活动情况, 能实时探测雷达顶空的三维风场信息。具有探测精度高、时空分辨率高特点, 在灾害性天气监测和预报、军民用航空气象保障、公共安全应急气象保障等领域都有着广泛的应用前景。文章介绍了风廓线雷达的历史、CLC-Ⅱ-D型固定式边界层风廓线雷达的基本原理以及荆门市固定式边界层风廓线雷达软件产品的显示应用等内容。
关键词 :
风廓线雷达 ,
基本原理 ,
系统 ,
Abstract :Wind profile radar is a kind of advanced detection equipment for vertical wind speed and temperature profile, which can provide the air data with high spatial and temporal resolution and continuity.It is also a ground-based remote sensing device that is recommended for the business.The wind profile radar can continuously be unattended, reflect the turbulence activities of boundary layer and detect atmospheric three-dimensional wind field.It has features of high detection accuracy and high spatial and temporal resolution, which provides a widely application in many fields such as the monitoring and forecast disastrous weather, military and civil aviation safeguard and public security emergency weather support system etc.This paper introduces the history of the wind profile radar, the fundamental principle of CLC-Ⅱ-D fixed boundary layer wind profiler radar and the software product of Jingmen fixed boundary layer wind profiler radar.
Key words :
wind profile radar
fundamental principle
product application
收稿日期: 2013-03-01
基金资助: 湖北省气象局科技发展基金项目2012Y07资助.
作者简介 : 李鑫(1984), 男, 大学, 工程师.主要从事大气探测和仪器保障维护工作.
李 鑫, 汪高明, 秦建峰, 蔡 宏, 崔恒立, 何 欢. CLC-Ⅱ-D固定式边界层风廓线雷达系统及产品应用[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2014, 31(1): 77-81.
Li Xin, Wang Gaoming, Qin Jianfeng, Cai Hong, Cui Hengli, He Huan. CLC-Ⅱ-D fixed boundary layer wind profiler radar system and its product application. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2014, 31(1): 77-81.
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