Abstract:This paper focuses on the composition structure of the temperature multi-sensor system in the new automatic weather station,the fusion method of multi-sensor observation data and the consistency and difference of observation data in the comparative test.The difference conclusion of temperature multi-sensor observation system is given.The results show that the absolute value of temperature difference between multi-sensor stations and service stations is 98.45% within 0.1 ℃,which has high availability.At the same time,several abnormal conditions during the multi-sensor measurement test are also given out in order to provide references for the practical application of multi-sensor temperature in new automatic weather station.
李晓波, 郭玉洁, 张长春, 史静, 崔明. 新型自动气象站气温多传感器对比试验中气温测量差异及原因分析[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2022, 39(1): 70-73.
Li Xiaobo, Guo Yujie, Zhang Changchun, Shi Jing, Cui Ming. Analysis of temperature measurement difference and causes in temperature multi-sensor contrast test of new automatic weather station. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2022, 39(1): 70-73.