Design for the acoustic wave observing instrument based on ATxmega 256A1
Yang Ying1, 2, Hui Li2, Wan Jing2, Zhou Yang2, Ran Xiangtao2, Wang Zhi2
1.College of Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 310012; 2.Shandong Academy of Science Institute of Oceanographic Instrumentation,Qingdao 310012
Abstract:This paper designs a low power consumption,stable and reliable acoustic wave meter based on the features of ATxmega256A1 with low power consumption,high performance and abundant external equipment.At the same time,the significance of wave observation and the measurement principle of acoustic wave meter are described.And the application of ATxmega256A1 in the design of acoustic wave meter is emphasized.
杨英, 惠力, 万婧, 周扬, 冉祥涛, 王志. 基于ATxmega256A1的声学测波仪设计[J]. 气象水文海洋仪器, 2018, 35(2): 32-36.
Yang Ying, Hui Li, Wan Jing, Zhou Yang, Ran Xiangtao, Wang Zhi. Design for the acoustic wave observing instrument based on ATxmega 256A1. Meteorological Hydrological and Marine Instrument, 2018, 35(2): 32-36.